DOWNLOAD your free Rainbow shopping list here

Use this shopping list to prioritize 30 or more different plant-based foods each week!



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Would you like to get to the bottom of why you are experiencing the symptoms that you're having? Are you ready to start your journey towards optimal health? 

Are you sick of feeling sick?

hey friend.

DOWNLOAD your free Rainbow shopping list here

Use this shopping list to prioritize 30 or more different plant-based foods each week!

Want to learn how to feel great again? 

If you feel like you have been going around in circles trying to get answers as to why you feel the way you do, or if you are being brushed off by others because they think it's all in your head- then take a deep breath. I see you. I totally understand where you are at and how that feels. 

Nutrition + Functional Medicine for Women Who Want to Thrive


Use the link below to book to fill out a very short questionnaire to begin with. When completed you will be able to schedule a FREE 10 minute Discovery Call with Michelle. 


want to find out if this is right for you?

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Western medicine often turns to the use of pharmaceutical drugs to manage the symptoms being experienced- by suppressing the immune system. Whilst this may help short term- it’s not without it’s long term complications. 

There is a better way - by addressing the cause of the symptoms, and finding out what is disturbing the natural balance. Thankfully the way to return to this equilibrium is in your control, and the changes we recommend are ones you can incorporate for the rest of your life. We will give you the tools you need for you to live an empowered and healthy life.  

Let Us Show You

Looking for answers?

Michelle is dedicated to spending time with her clients, listening to their needs and meeting them where they are in their journey to achieve better health. She is trained in the concepts of Functional Medicine with a strong focus on the person as whole, not just a set of isolated symptoms. This training, combined with her unique talent and nurturing bedside manner inspires Michelle’s clients to make lifestyle changes that can totally transform their lives.

Graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Bridgeport, Michelle holds a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and a Master’s Degree in Education. Michelle’s graduate research focused on the complexity of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease and the potentially devastating effects of gluten on the body. She is a Certified Gluten Practitioner, trained to teaching people about gluten-free living and gluten issues and is also certified in First Line Therapy, a program designed to reverse chronic illness.

Michelle enjoys helping people to learn about the importance of nutrition, and teaching them how to transition their current lifestyle and dietary choices to nutrient rich foods that enhance health and improved the quality of life.


“Michelle is the best and I highly recommend anyone who is struggling with random mystery symptoms to go see her ASAP!”

I'm Michelle, and I'm here to help you. 

I'm what's known as a Functional Medicine Nutritionist  where my primary goal is to help you restore + maintain optimal health + vitality. In a nutshell: I want you to feel great in your body. 

more about me

hey there!

Ready to Find the
Root Cause of Your Symptoms?


Let's dive in + start treating those causes so we can help your body to heal itself + you feel great again. Start by taking this quick questionnaire to see if this is the right fit for your health journey.